Resep: Lezat Chocolate muffin no mixer

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Chocolate muffin no mixer. Hallo semuanya, apa kabar 😊 hari ini saya share cara membuat muffin coklat yg nyoklat banget dan lembut, pokoknya ini favorit saya banget 😁. This Double Chocolate Muffins requires no mixer and is a super delicious chocolatey muffins recipe. Learn how to make the best double chocolate muffins ever!

Chocolate muffin no mixer These Easy Chocolate Chip Muffins are just like mom used to make! The batter comes together in just minutes for an easy muffin that's perfect for breakfast Add in half of flour, mix with hand mixer until just combined, then add in the milk, stirring to combine. Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl and. Kamu bisa cook Chocolate muffin no mixer using 14 ingredients and 11 langkah. Begini caranya achieve it.

Beberapa bahan untuk membuat Chocolate muffin no mixer antaralain :

  1. Siapakan of bahan kering.
  2. Siapakan 200 gr of tepung terigu (sy pakai segitiga biru).
  3. Sediakan 100 gr of gula pasir (kalau ada lebih baik gula halus).
  4. Siapakan 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
  5. Siapakan 1/2 sdt of soda kue.
  6. Siapakan 1/2 sdt of garam.
  7. Siapakan 30 gr of coklat bubuk (sy pakai van houtten).
  8. Sediakan 27 gr (1 sachet) of susu bubuk.
  9. Sediakan of bahan cair :.
  10. Siapakan 60 gr of mentega dilelehkan.
  11. Siapakan 80 ml of susu cair (sy pakai ultra mimi).
  12. Sediakan 75 gr of coklat batangan ditim dg sedikit mentega hingga leleh.
  13. Sediakan 2 butir of telur dikocok dulu.
  14. Siapakan sesuai selera of topping.

These are the best chocolate muffins you'll ever have. Super chocolatey, moist yet dense, with crunchy tops. They look and taste just like the After the first time I made these muffins, I knew that my search for the ultimate chocolate muffins was over. These have everything you'd want in a good.

Berikut Cara Membuat Chocolate muffin no mixer Langkah demi langkah

  1. Panaskan oven 200°C -+20menit.
  2. Campur semua bahan kering.
  3. Campur bahan cair : mentega cair, susu.
  4. Masukkan bahan cair ke bahan kering..
  5. Masukkan telur yang sudah dikocok lepas.
  6. Aduk rata..
  7. Masukkan coklat blok yang sudah dilelehkan. Aduk rata.
  8. Teksturenya kental agak cair, kalau diangkat dg sendok dia tetep netes..
  9. Masukkan ke cetakan muffin separo cetakan saja, karena akan mengembang..
  10. Panggang di oven 30 menit 190-200°C..
  11. Setelah matang, lakukan tes tusuk dengan tusuk gigi, kalau tusuk gigi masih basah adonan, lanjutkan oven lagi, kira2 berapa lamanya. :).

These tender chocolate muffins with a double hit of chocolate make a delicious breakfast or after-school snack. My kids love these muffins anytime of day! They are easy to make too! I appreciate not having to use a mixer 🙂 thank you so much for sharing this great recipe with everyone! This delicious chocolate muffin recipe is a family favorite.