Membuat Siapkan Sedap Mango Sticky Rice

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Mango Sticky Rice. The sticky rice is made in a pot on your stove. Sticky rice flavored with sweet coconut milk and served with fresh mango is a beloved dessert in Thailand. You only have to try it once to understand why it's a Thai favorite!

Mango Sticky Rice It's so easy to make at home! This Thai dessert of glutinous sticky rice, seasoned with salty-sweet coconut milk and served with tender, fragrant slices of mango, will make an addict out of you. The last part of making Thai mango sticky rice is to assemble everything together. Kamu bisa have Mango Sticky Rice using 9 ingredients and 5 langkah. Begini caranya cook that.

Beberapa bahan untuk membuat Mango Sticky Rice diantaranya :

  1. Sediakan 250 gr of beras ketan (direndam 3jam/ lbh baik lagi semalaman).
  2. Sediakan 1 bh of mangga (sesuai selera mo mangga apa dan berapa biji).
  3. Siapakan 1 sachet of santan kara.
  4. Siapakan 3 gelas of air.
  5. Sediakan 2-3 sdm of gula pasir.
  6. Siapakan 1 sdm of tepung Maizena (larutkan sg sedikit air).
  7. Siapakan Secukupnya of garam.
  8. Sediakan 2 lbr of daun pandan.
  9. Sediakan of Sckp wijen sangrai (untuk taburan).

Put a portion of the sweet sticky rice on a plate, peel and slice a mango to go right on top, sprinkle with a handful of. The main reason I order Thai food is for the mango sticky rice. Mango sticky rice a must-order whenever I visit a Thai restaurant, but when I can find ripe mangos I prefer to make this dish at home. You'd be surprised how easy it is to prepare this dessert.

Berikut Cara Membuat Mango Sticky Rice Sampai Jadi

  1. Beras ketan yang udah dicuci&direndam lgsg dikukus selama 10 menit..
  2. Campur 1 sachet santan kara dengan 3 gelas air, sisihkan 1 gelas air untuk fla/saus.
  3. Ketan yg sudah dikukus selama 10 menit tadi, diangkat campurkan dengan 2 gelas santan, sckp garam, dan daun pandan, aduk hingga rata kukus lagi kurang lebih selama 15 menit, angkat sisihkan.
  4. Fla/saus : campurkan 1 gelas santan, 2 sdm gula pasir, sckp garam, 1 lbr daun pandan, masak Hingga mendidih, tambahkan tepung maizena yg sudah dilarutkan air aduk hingga mengental, koreksi rasa, matikan api.
  5. Cetak ketan yg sudah matang diatas piring, tambahkan mangga yg sudah dikupas, dicuci dan dipotong kotak, siram saus santan diatasnya, dan beri taburan wijen sangrai (saya gapake wijen soalnya keluarga ga doyan😃). Ready to serve😀.

Mango on Sticky Rice is a traditional summer dessert because mangoes are in season during the summer months of April and May in Thailand. Creamy coconut infused sticky rice with ripe slices of juicy mango. FE sweet rice is the star of the show here and the main note of the recipe. Spoon some salted coconut sauce over the rice and. Mango Black Sticky Rice Dessert: Recipe Instructions.