Potato pancake. This is a traditional potato pancake recipe, and is a wonderful comfort food. Serve with applesauce and sour cream for a light dinner, or with roast chicken for a hearty winter meal. Polish potato pancakes, known as placki kartoflane or placki ziemniaczane in Polish, are delicious and delightful.
Mix mashed potatoes, egg, flour, salt, pepper, garlic, and any optional ingredients, into mashed potatoes.
Preheat skillet and add a couple of tablespoons of Crisco shortening or oil.
Potato pancakes are also called latkes, boxties, or draniki depending on what culture you draw from, but the basic recipe is the same: potatoes, onions, seasonings, and sour cream or applesauce!
Kamu bisa have Potato pancake using 4 ingredients and 3 langkah. Begini caranya cook it.
Beberapa bahan untuk membuat Potato pancake diantaranya :
- Sediakan 1/4 kg of kentang parut.
- Sediakan 2 sdm of tepung tapioka.
- Siapakan Sejumput of garam.
- Sediakan 1/2 sdt of kaldu bubuk.
So simple, yet unbelievably tasty, these Classic Potato Pancakes are not to be missed! Follow my simple instructions and make this easy treat today! Fluffy and spiced, these sweet potato pancakes are just waiting to be smothered in grass-fed butter and maple syrup! The perfect pancake is fluffy and moist, ready to be piled high and devoured.
Berikut Cara Membuat Potato pancake Sesuai instruksi
- Kupas dan parut kentang, lalu peras dan buang airmya.
- Campurkan tepung tapioka, garam dan kaldu bubuk lalu aduk sampai rata.
- Goreng hingga matang dan sajikan :).
Here's a potato pancake recipe that doesn't take much time to make and is just right for two people. Crispy Potato Pancakes Recipe photo by Taste of Home. Potato pancakes are shallow-fried pancakes of grated or ground potato, flour and egg, often flavored with grated garlic or onion and seasoning. Potato pancakes may be topped with a variety of condiments, ranging from the savory. Potato pancakes, literally translated in Polish as placki ziemniaczane, are often served in Poland topped with meat sauce, pork crisps or.