Membuat Siapkan Gurih Bread roll avocado banana

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Bread roll avocado banana. This Avocado Banana Bread (or cake) is soft, moist, full of nutrients and healthy ingredients. The banana hides the avocado taste to please the whole family. Enjoy a slice for breakfast or dessert and get the benefits of consuming healthy fats!

Bread roll avocado banana Instead, avocado replaces the oil, creating a rich, moist chocolate banana bread. The best part is, you can make everything in the blender or food processor. Avocado Banana Bread is an easy healthier banana bread recipe! Kamu bisa have Bread roll avocado banana using 3 ingredients and 7 langkah. Begini caranya achieve that.

Beberapa bahan untuk membuat Bread roll avocado banana diantaranya :

  1. Siapakan 1 buah of pisang.
  2. Siapakan 2 lembar of roti gandum.
  3. Sediakan 1/2 buah of alpukat.

Avocado Banana Bread is banana bread made even better with avocados! This bread is healthier than normal banana bread because it has no butter but all of that banana bread flavor you love. Avocado replaces the butter or oil usually used in banana bread and also makes this treat extra moist. Pulse the avocado, egg, vanilla and zest in a food processor until smooth.

Berikut Cara Membuat Bread roll avocado banana Sesuai instruksi

  1. Potong kecil buah pisang.
  2. Haluskan setengah buah alpukat, hingga menjadi hampir seperti bubur. Untuk sebagai selai nya.
  3. Pipihkan roti gandum, (bukan gandum juga gpp) pastikan tempatnya sudah bersih yaa.
  4. Letakkan alpukat yg telah dihaluskan tadi di sebagian roti.
  5. Setelah itu letakkan potongan pisang diatas alpukat halus.
  6. Kalau mau ditambahkan alpukat lagi diatas pisang boleh, atau yg lainnya boleh. Kalau saya sudah gitu aja cukup.
  7. Setelah itu bisa langsung di roll, kemudian dipotong dan siap deh disajikan.

My Avocado Banana Bread is soft, moist, made with healthy ingredients that taste amazing! If you're vegan or are allergic to eggs, you can omit the egg in. Classic banana bread has been given a tasty makeover - avocado lends gorgeous creaminess to this sugar-free cake. In a mixing bowl, mash together the bananas, avocado and butter. Banana bread is a delicious treat on its own, but adding chocolate and avocados takes it to a whole other level.