Resep: Gurih Sandwich avocado with slice of cheese

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Sandwich avocado with slice of cheese. Who doesn't love a grilled cheese sandwich? This version kicks it up a notch with avocado, tons of cheese and extra-crispy bread. Place bread, butter side down, in a large cast-iron skillet or on an electric griddle over medium-low.

Sandwich avocado with slice of cheese Who doesn't love a good grilled cheese sandwich? Here's one with a glamorous twist: the avocado grilled cheese. Simply adding an avocado and tomato to a standard. Kamu bisa cook Sandwich avocado with slice of cheese using 4 ingredients and 10 langkah. Begini caranya achieve that.

Beberapa bahan untuk membuat Sandwich avocado with slice of cheese diantaranya :

  1. Sediakan 3 lembar of Roti tawar.
  2. Sediakan 2 lembar of Keju slice.
  3. Sediakan 1 buah of Alpukat ukuran agak besar dan matang (daging lembut).
  4. Siapakan Secukupnya of Susu kental manis coklat.

This tasty vegetarian sandwich is loaded with melty cheese, buttery avocado and a hearty helping of fresh spinach! Say hello to one of the most random combinations Top one slice of bread with sliced or mashed avocado. To amp up the flavor, sprinkle a teeny pinch salt over the avocado - so good! Stick your cheese of choice on, with or without a couple slices of tomato and you have a pretty fast healthy sandwich.

Berikut Cara Membuat Sandwich avocado with slice of cheese Langkah demi langkah

  1. Kerok daging buah alpukat dengan sendok taruh dalam wadah. Sisihkan.
  2. Siapkan roti tawar 1 lembar untuk lapisan pertama.
  3. Oles susu coklat sampai merata.
  4. Kemudian oleskan sebagian daging buah alpukat yg sudah dikerok tadi sampai merata.
  5. Letakkan keju slice diatasnya.
  6. Tutup dengan 1 lembar roti tawar.
  7. Kemudian ulangi langkah 3 -6.
  8. Nah..bekal sudah jadi..bisa dipotong segitiga atau sesuai selera.
  9. Tinggal masukan ke dalam kontainer atau wadah bekal.
  10. Selamat mencoba ya mommy.

This is one of my favorite sandwiches! I usually use a wonderful white horseradish cheddar cheese rather than provolone, but it's kind of hard to Spread the slices of avocado next, then the tomato, and season to taste with salt and pepper; then top with lettuce and the other slice of bread with the. It's for Mini Avocado and Parmesan Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. We have Grilled Cheese sandwiches at least once a week, and this recipe is a great way to change it up to make them even better. The Best Avocado Toasted Sandwiches Recipes on Yummly