Resep: Lezat Garlic bread

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Garlic bread. This homemade garlic bread is the answer! Minced fresh garlic is key to these flavor-packed crusty slices, which our big family would snap up before they even had a chance to cool. —Grace Yaskovic, Branchville, New Jersey. Ever wonder how to make garlic bread?

Garlic bread Roasted Garlic Bread "A very easy recipe for garlic bread that is made with roasted garlic, butter and Parmesan cheese." - Dana. Just Garlic Toast "My favorite way to prepare garlic bread! So simple, so easy and so good. Kamu bisa have Garlic bread using 6 ingredients and 3 langkah. Begini caranya achieve that.

Beberapa bahan untuk membuat Garlic bread diantaranya :

  1. Siapakan 2 sdm of butter.
  2. Sediakan 1 sdt of garlic powder.
  3. Siapakan 3 siung of bawang putih ulek halus.
  4. Siapakan 1/2 sdm of oregano.
  5. Siapakan 100 gr of keju parut.
  6. Siapakan of Roti tawar.

It's the only way for me." - Linda(LMT) Great Garlic Bread "Garlic bread is always great with pasta! Remove bread when it is toasted golden brown in color. Crispy, toasty garlic bread gets sliced in half down its length, spread with butter and garlic, and then baked open-faced in the oven. Broil it at the end for extra crispiness.

Berikut Cara Membuat Garlic bread Sesuai instruksi

  1. Dicampur semua bahan butternya.
  2. Olesi bahan butternya ke roti tawar.
  3. Oven dengan suhu 180°c dalam 15 menit. Sajikan dengan saos, mayones, atau saos keju enak..

Soft garlic bread gets sliced like an accordion (slice as if cutting slices, but don't go all the way through), then slather the butter mixer between the slices. The secret to really good garlic bread is to keep it simple. Be sure to use freshly shredded parmesan for maximum meltiness. Serve garlic bread for a comforting starter or side. Whether plain or cheesy, it's a great accompaniment for lasagne, chilli con carne, salad, soups and more.